Class 600, Regular / Full port, Flanged / Butt Weld Ends, Floating design / Trunion Mounted design

Class 600, Regular / Full port, Flanged / Butt Weld Ends, Floating design / Trunion Mounted design

Key Features
  • Maintenance-free live-loaded double sealing stem packing ensures high cycles life and positive sealing.
  • ISO 5211 Mounting Pad Allows for mounting of actuator.
  • Blow-Out Proof Stem.

A floating ball design offers efficient sealing with simple construction. As the name indicates, the ball has some freedom to move along the axis of the pipeline, which offers efficient downstream sealing. When line pressure is applied to the closed ball, it moves slightly (or floats) downstream to maintain contact with the downstream seat where primary sealing occurs. A quarter-turn motion from full open to full close ensures quick open-close action, an inherent advantage for automatic remote control applications. The floating ball valve offers effective bi-directional sealing.

Trunion-mounted design offers precise locational accuracy for the ball within the upstream and downstream seat, which ensures leak-tight sealing with lower operative torques. The sealing takes place by allowing the seats to move towards the ball. This design of ball valves can hold very high pressures.

Applicable standards

General Design & Manufacturing
Valve Dimensions
Valve Inspection & Testing
Hydro Shell
Seat Test
Air Seat
Special Features
EN-17292 / API-6D
ANSI B 16.10/  B 16.5
169 kg/
112 kg/
7 kg/
Fire Safe to API-607/6FA, Metal to Metal Seat

Technical Specifications

Valve type
Body type
Seat type
End Connection
Size range
Pressure rating
Seat leakage
Floating / Trunion Mounted design ball valve
2 pc standard, 3 pc optional
Soft / Metal
Flanged, Butt Weld
15 NB to 600 NB for reduced port / full port
Class 600
Class VI – Soft seat, Class V – Metal seat
Hand Leaver/Gear / Actuator (Electrical / Pneumatic)

Material Diagrams

1/ 2 Body/ Side Piece WCB, CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M,
F304, 316, CN7M, LCB / WCC / Duplex SS
3/ 4/ 5 Trunion/ Seat
Retainer/ Stuffing Box

F304, F316, CN7M
6 Gland ANSI 410, 304, 316, 316L, 304L, MONEL, ALLOY20,
7 Ball ANSI 410, 304, 316, 316L, 304L,
LCB / WCC / Duplex SS,
8 Stem ANSI 410, 304, 316, 316L, 304L, MONEL, ALLOY20,
9 Seat PTFE, GFT, CFT/ Metal to Metal Delrin,
10 Seat Spring Inconel, AISI 304.
11 “O” Ring Viton.
12 Stem Washer GFT.
13 Gland Packing PTFE, Grafoil.
14 Body Seal PTFE, Grafoil, SWG.
15 Check Nut Carbon steel, AISI 304.
16 Thrust Washer GFT.
17 Body Stud/Nut B7/2H, B8/B8M.
18/19 Stuffing Box/ Trunion Bearing AISI 316 Backed PTFE.
20/21 Stuffing Box/ Trunion Seal Grafoil, PTFE.
22 Bracket Carbon steel.
23 Gland Nut Carbon steel.
23 Belleville Spring Spring steel.
25 Antistatic Spring SS 304.
26   Gear Box Std.

Sizes / Dimensions